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Roadtrek International Chapter, FMCA
Serving Roadtrek owners since 1993
Popular-170 (MI) SOLD

2006 Popular-170 (MI) SOLD

Price: $43,000 | Year: 2006


LOCATION:  Michigan’s Upper Peninsula-Marquette area

Excellent condition inside and out and very well cared for!  Chevy 3/4 ton chassis with only 71K miles.

We are fussy about our vehicles and like them clean and well-maintained and this is no exception. 

No smoking or pets.

2500 chassis

6.0L gas engine

71K miles

Michelin tires in excellent condition

No smoking / pets

Extra clean

Stereo with Apple Carplay & backup camera

Generator starts right up and runs excellent with only 45 hours.  Generator

fuel pump and filter relocated outside the generator case to make it easy to change parts if the need arises again.

Comes with a separate custom mattress if want to keep set up as a  full time bed

2” receiver hitch

Newer TV with roof antenna

Awning has been barely used

All systems in working order


Listed 22 May24 (AD#1241)

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Want to place an ad to sell your Roadtrek?

Keep your ad concise and not like a sales brochure.  Look at existing ads as examples and do not be overly long.

EMAIL us your ad request. Include: model, year, condition, location and price.

Your ad will run 3 months.  You will need to renew before the 3 months is over or your ad will be removed.   You may include ONE picture.  This page is provided as a service to Roadtrek International Chapter and friends, and so is carried at no charge. NOTE: Many buyers already know about the Roadtrek standard features, but be sure to mention any additions, factory options, improvements, or replacements you have had done. Also, list all the ways you'd like to be contacted about your ad.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF ROADTREK OWNERS GROUP TO HAVE YOUR ROADTREK LISTED. THIS SERVICE IS OPEN TO ANY INDIVIDUAL.  GOOD LUCK!

CLICK HERE or use [email protected] to send us your ad request.

We assume no responsibility for any ad placed on the Roadtrek website. Ads are free and come from anyone wishing to sell a Roadtrek, whether they are a member of Roadtrek International or not.  As such we have no way to verify the claims made by an ad written by the seller.


ATTENTION ALL SELLERS!! Be aware of those attempting to buy your RV under false pretenses using the so-called "Nigerian Scam". Please refer to this explanation for more information.

The best policy is not to respond to this kind of offer. However, you may choose to meet the buyer at your bank, with an officer present if you have reason to believe the offer to buy is legitimate. A real buyer likely will not mind doing this, but please use caution in any event.

Scammers usually will only contact sellers by email. Consider listing your phone number if appropriate.


Hank, Tom & Al 

Volunteer Chapter webmasters
RT owners
Members of Roadtrek International

Contact us to place an ad:  [email protected]

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