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Roadtrek International Chapter, FMCA
Serving Roadtrek owners since 1993
Popular 190 (CA)

2008 Popular 190 (CA)

Price: $44,500 OBO NEW PRICE | Year: 2008

Roadtrek 190P “Boondocking Beast” 

210Ah Lithium, 400W Rooftop Solar, Victron Smart Solar, Chassis Lift, Fixed bed and more. 

Lovingly maintained and upgraded. Everything works & clean title.

Mileage: 64,500

Located in Los Angeles, CA

 Has all the standard roadtrek features with the following upgrades:


Lithium Batteries - 210 amp-hours - expected life of 10 years plus. (Batteries moved indoor to mitigate potential sub-freezing charging issues - prior battery compartments now additional outdoor storage)

(The lithium batteries provide almost double the usable power compared to comparably rated AGM/flooded batteries because the lithium can be used down to 10% while the older technologies should be used down to only about 50%).

Victron 100V/50A MPPT Smartsolar controller with Bluetooth connectivity. (can easily handle the rooftop solar together with extra portable solar panels should these be desired )

Multiple outside connector points for mobile solar (allows for the use of portable solar panels when parking in the shade or just to supplement the rooftop)

400watt Renogy rooftop solar panels - maximum usage of roof space - 300W of which are “tiltable” to increase power especially in winter by aprox 40%. (done 1 year ago - expected life of 10 years plus )

Original 750W Triplite upgraded to Triplite 1,250W inverter (boost mode 1,825W for up to an hour) - can power toasters/kettle/microwave (without requiring generator).

Auxiliary 500 W Pure sine inverter for sensitive AC devices (e.g. CPAP)

Onan MICROLITE 2800 generator.

Inverter/Batteries wiring increased to high amp 2AWG cables.

In-cabin voltage gauges for both automotive and house batteries.

Added DC automotive sockets & USB outlets throughout cab.

Extra inverter powered AC socket in bed area.

All original house lighting converted to LED.

Victron Energy Orion-Tr Smart DC to DC Charger (Bluetooth) Installed in parallel to bat separator in prep for future battery bank addition/high amp alternator upgrade. Switches on driver panel allow for toggling of DC-DC charger and separator. (This was installed during the conversion to lithium but found to be unnecessary with the the current battery/alternator configuration)


Bluetooth surround audio system.

Starlink custom quick-connect jack - for connecting outdoor mobile Starlink antenna to indoor router.


Power sofa bed replaced with fixed bed while retaining the original sofa mechanism/seat belts etc. to allow for conversion back to original setup if desired.

Firm natural latex mattress and bamboo mattress covers (absolutely clean: used only with mattress protector)

Screenz mesh screens for all openings- back door, side door, and front windows.

All safety detectors ( Smoke, CO2, carbon monoxide) and fire extinguisher replaced and current.

Mini “temp station” - Indoor/outdoor temperature sensors - current/max/min readings.

Outdoor solar motion-detector lights on back and sides of vehicle.

Replaced in recent years: thetford toilet, microwave, water pump, macerator.

Water pump expansion canister - reduces water pump activation & noise.

Easily deployable curtain for bed privacy.

Ample hanging hooks and magnetic disc points throughout cabin for optional space usage.


2-1/2 inch suspension lift package/springs for improved ground clearance and better handling.

Forward original ground effects removed and two recovery/tow points with D-shackles installed. (also allows better parking options for higher curbs)

Backup camera.

Recent replacement of shocks, back brakes including rotors, calipers, etc. (Les Schwab)

Backcountry All-terrain tires.

2 lev-o-gage level indicators for determining front-to-back side-to-side vehicle level.

CA vehicle - body in excellent condition for age - always stored indoor or covered when not in use.


Customized multi-use rear carrier(easily removable): useful for bicycles, kayaks, SUP, surf boards, recovery boards, full size spade holder ( spade included l) etc. with holder for 5 gallon standard NATO water/fuel canister. ( also has steps for roof access), star link antenna mount, also useful for outdoor propane burner cooking. (customized angled adaptor allows for easy propane tank fill with carrier in place)

Compact single burner outdoor stove for connecting to rear LPG connection.

Heavy duty, extra- large waterproof e-trailer bag which can be attached to carrier for extra storage.

Shower tent for outdoor shower privacy. Grommet point above outdoor shower for stabilizing tent in wind.

Two outdoor storage “pipes” above awning - for fishing rods, hiking poles, etc. Outdoor rug in one ( included)

[these storage canisters are easily removable if desired]

Brand new water fill hose.

Spare part kit - including spare latches for cabinetry, replacement bulbs auto and house, gen air filter, etc.


All changes/upgrades to vehicle have been meticulously documented. New owner will be provided with a thumb drive containing all manuals for all appliances/systems and specific installation configuration documentation and pictures .

RV cabin - fridge, cupboards, WC etc. super clean - water system recently sanitized.

Cabinetry wood, wall fabric etc. in excellent condition.

Ready for move-in: pack your things and groceries and head for your next adventure!


Listed 24NOV24 Adj 10Feb25 ADJ 10Mar25 (Ad# 1356)

Contact the seller

Name: Alan

Email: [email protected]

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The best policy is not to respond to this kind of offer. However, you may choose to meet the buyer at your bank, with an officer present if you have reason to believe the offer to buy is legitimate. A real buyer likely will not mind doing this, but please use caution in any event.

Scammers usually will only contact sellers by email. Consider listing your phone number if appropriate.


Hank, Tom & Al 

Volunteer Chapter webmasters
RT owners
Members of Roadtrek International

Contact us to place an ad:  [email protected]

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